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Town of Veteran Historical Society
Meeting Minutes
17 July 2024
Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 10:00 a.m. 
Present (11) Gloria Campbell, Rick Smith, Tim Rodabaugh, JoAnn Ripley, Anita Hesser,
Jean Seymour, Shirley Lant, Ray Benjamin, Roberta Sahlberg, Lisa Wood & Carol Maye
Members Joining (0); renewing their dues (0)
Meeting held at Museum at 10:00 a.m.  We have a quorum
Salute to the flag 
Reading of the last meetings minutes: Motion to adopt made by Ray B., 2nd by Jean S. 
Treasurer's report: Balance in account: $26,459.29.  May income: $1,248,75; expenses:
$4,868.62.  June income: $886.68; expenses: $889.80  Motion to accept the treasurer's
report made by Ray B., 2nd by Tim R.
Old Business:
1) Gloria continues work on the grant application for Tioga Downs, but had some concerns. 
She reveiwed the letter from the architect / engineer.  It was decided to work on one project
a year.  We know what needs to be done to upgrade the building.  The bathroom will be
compete with the installation of the handrail & electrical line.  We will continue to explore the
most economical ways to get our projects done which fit our particular needs.  Tim reported we
have been awarded $2000.00 from Chemung Co., which we will use to replace the front door. 
He also has paperwork for 2025 funding.  Gloria would like to see our museum as part of
a Finger Lakes wine tour.  
New Business: 
1) Membership committee report: Shirley reported no new members or dues. 
2) Cemetery report: Tim reported that Hunter Keller is no longer doing Parsons cemetery.  
Shane Lohmiller is now taking care of Parsons & Turner/Crandall.  The large tree that was 
a concern at Turner/Crandall was removed.  A large old Pine tree came down at Parsons.  
3) Building Committee report: As Gloria had discussed several items related to the 
building, Ray didn't have anything further.  Ray did measure for the electrical wiring
needed.  Rick knows a neighbor who is an electrician & may be willing to help.   
4) Fund Raising Committee report: Anita reported we raised $751.90 from Doug's Fish
Fry, which included bake sale items & quilt raffle tickets.  We will discuss doing this again
next year.  The Craft Fair is Saturday November 16th.  Tables are still selling.  Anita
will contact Tioga Downs again to ask if our name has been put in for the change
donation.  A spaghetti dinner was suggested for the Fall as a fundraiser.  Those in
attendance like this idea.   
5) New items in the societies collection: A duck from Millport community days; 1960's era 
aerial map of Lee St. in Pine Valley; 50-star American flag; scale & measure; a plunger and
Talitha Botsford sheet music. 
6) Tim will order additional tee shirts for those who ordered them.  He will also look into a 
cover for the sign out front which might help to keep the letters in place. 
7) Tim will check with Chet Hubbard & Dave Lewis as possible locations to place our bin
which we are removing from Can-Do.  He will send a letter to Can-Do to let them know
we are removing our bin.   
Speaker / Presenter: none scheduled for this meeting.
Date / Time for next meeting: Wednesday September 18, 2024 @ 10 am at the Museum
Adjournment / motion & second: Motion to adjourn made by Anita H.; 2nd by Tim R. 
Submitted by: Shirley Lant, Secretary





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